If you are someone who knows me well, then you know that I love books. I am obsessed with books. I love everything about books. I love reading books. I love the look of books stacked up on the floor. I love how books look all neatly arranged in shelves. I like the feel of books (both hard cover and paperback). I love the crisp feel of the pages. I love the sound the pages make when you flip through a brand new book as well the smell. I equally love the dusty, musty smell of an old book. The translucent pages, the tiny writing. The old font. Everything. So it's safe to assume that I collect a lot of books (probably more like hoard). Anyway, my best friend is the greatest because she helps fuel this obsession (she thankfully loves books just as much as I do) and this weekend she just added to my ever growing pile of TO BE READ. So with that being said - I've decided to set myself a challenge; which is to essentially chow through my TO BE READ pile as soon as possible and read EVERYTHING before I head over to Canada. I am going to try and write about the books I read as well. The challenge has started. The the next few books on my list are:
Carry One - Rainbow Rowell
Wonder - R.J Palacio
Perfect - Cecelia Ahern
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